We have knowledgeable technical support representatives available 24/7. Our extensive experience allows us to evaluate and respond to tickets quickly. The live average support ticket response time is updated every few minutes and displayed directly on our website.
Enjoy the security of our 30 day risk free money back guarantee when you give us a try! If you're not completely satisfied we'll refund your payment no questions asked.
Moving from another host? No Problem! In most cases we're able to transfer your accounts to our servers hassle free and at no cost to you. Please contact us for specific details.
What good is an uptime guarantee without real proof of reliability? Uptime reports for each of our servers are available publicly on our forums.
As part of our dedication to the performance of our services, all of our servers are powered by LiteSpeed. LiteSpeed offers Apache compatibility with far superior performance.
All servers are backed up daily. These backups are stored off-server with a 21 day retention policy. Weekly backups are also stored off-site.
Need reliable DNS? We've got it! Our geographically redundant name servers provide the ultimate in reliability.
You won't find any desktop grade hardware here. We utilize top of the line, enterprise grade hardware which provides superior performance and reliability. All servers use Dual Intel Xeon processors, at least 192GB of registered ECC RAM, and NVMe SSD RAID Storage.
We value open and honest communication with our clients. This keeps our clients informed and maintains our accountability. We're easily reachable via email or a ticket, uptime reports for all of our servers are publicly available, and our live average support ticket response time is displayed on our website.